Kinda Christian Extras
So you’ve read Kinda Christianity and your emergitude is through the roof. But soon, everyone will have read it. Then what? How will you remain fashionably, philosophically, and theologically innovative enough to be considered one of the truly emergent, and not just some late adopter/hanger-on?
We feel your angst. And that is why we have provided a few extras below, offering advanced techniques for Kinda Christianity:
- Study Guide; leading a conversational group in your home, at a trendy (but not nationally franchised) coffee shop, or behind the urban farmers’ market is a sure way to stay cutting edge. To help launch this new endeavor, we are happy to provide you with this official study guide.
- Bonus Material that did not make it into the final version of the book.
- Visual Aid Handouts from the 6/17/10 Kinda Christianity in-store event. What words cannot express, line drawings can.
- A Short Paper presented to the throngs of willing disciples at the aforementioned event.
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